Using Instagram to keep my followers engaged.

I use Instagram to promote my business, and I’ve got a steady following. I’ve discovered that the hardest part is not gaining followers but instead keeping the ones I have engaged with good quality content. I read and reply to every comment but other than that I don’t know how to get engagement.
I had heard about spending money to buy active Instagram followers, tried it and it worked to boost my followers which expanded the pool of feedback from users. With that broader source of information and a little research into alternative methods, I found out that keeping my followers happy was not only as easy as posting great content but that it took almost no time at all!

Hosting contests
I am an author, and routinely host contests for giveaways of my books and behind the scenes stories, but I’ve never thought about posting those contents to Instagram. When I did and provided a link to my contest page for my latest book I was blown away by how popular the contest had become.
I had people regram to their own followers about my business, and if the followers of my followers followed me, and I hit my goal then my original followers would be given a copy of my book. I hit my goal in ten days and gave away five copies.
Once my book came out, all those new and old 100followers bought it up and helped to make it popular.

Tracker sites
I also downloaded a few tracker sites that analyzed my buy 50 instagram likes account and told me when my followers were active, what posts had the most likes, and how my level of engagement was with the community.

By seeing what made the posts great and well liked, I was able to streamline my content to give the people what they wanted and ensure that I posted when the most followers were online so they would instantly see and would go to view the content.

Asking questions of my followers
While I generally respond to comments of my followers and even leave a few of my own, I also discovered in my research that asking questions is the best way to get engagement. Even simple questions about how everyone’s day is going or if they’re doing anything for the summer can get engagement.

The more I asked these mundane and not about my book at all type questions, I began to spend more and more time communicating with my followers and talking instead of just leaving one-liner responses. That, in turn, fostered more engagement and helped keep things casual in my threads.

All I needed to do was understand my followers on a more human level and see what they were interacting with and when then I could work on making my content follower friendly. The level of engagement with my fans helped increase my reputation across all my websites and brands, and now I’m better than ever in terms of producing content.
