
Showing posts from August, 2018

Using Instagram to keep my followers engaged.

I use Instagram to promote my business, and I’ve got a steady following. I’ve discovered that the hardest part is not gaining followers but instead keeping the ones I have engaged with good quality content. I read and reply to every comment but other than that I don’t know how to get engagement. I had heard about spending money to buy active Instagram followers, tried it and it worked to boost my followers which expanded the pool of feedback from users. With that broader source of information and a little research into alternative methods, I found out that keeping my followers happy was not only as easy as posting great content but that it took almost no time at all! Hosting contests I am an author, and routinely host contests for giveaways of my books and behind the scenes stories, but I’ve never thought about posting those contents to Instagram. When I did and provided a link to my contest page for my latest book I was blown away by how popular the contest had bec